in _theProject

in vitro mycoTests 02

Previous in vitro mycoTests here.

Lignin and cellulose substrate

Some tests highlight behavioral growth differences of three species of micelia. Substrates were prepared and filled in petri capsules divided in three sub-compartments.

Substrates are:
AA _ agar agar grade A | pH: 6,038 (test)
LIGN _ Lignosulphonate bretax C 1,5% + AA 1% | pH: 6,12
CELL _ carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt 1,5% + AA 1% | pH: 5,92

Micelia are:
ARM _ armillaria mellea (inoculated on 18th of September 2014)
GLU2 _ ganoderma lucidum (inoculated on 18th of September 2014)
PCO1 _ pleurotus cornucopie (inoculated on 18th of September 2014)

Armillaria Mellea after 6 days, 9 days and 21 days:

ARM_t1 ARM_t2 ARM_t3

Ganoderma Lucidum after 6 days, 9 days and 21 days:

GLU2_t1 GLU2_t2 GLU2_t3

Pleurotus Cornucopie after 6 days, 9 days and 21 days:

PCO_t1 PCO_t2 PCO_t3