Exploring boundaries
How does the mycelium explore boundaries and build bridge connetions from landscape morphology?
This test allows to understand mycelium’s behaviours of growth through PLA substrate.
To do that a 3d printed mask was insert into a petri dish before the sterilization.
Substrates are:
LIGN _ Lignosulphonate bretax C 1,5% + AA 1% | pH: 6,12
CELL _ carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt 1,5% + AA 1% | pH: 5,92
Micelia are:
GLU2 _ ganoderma lucidum (inoculated on 18th of September 2014)
POS1 _ pleurotus ostreatus (inoculated on 18th of September 2014)
ARM _ armillaria mellea (inoculated on 18th of September 2014)
Thanks to MakeInBo
Ganoderma Lucidum after 6 days, 9 days and 21 days:
Pleurotus Osrteatus after 6 days, 9 days and 21 days:
Armillaria Mellea after 6 days, 9 days and 21 days:
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